Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Office Party Etiquette

It’s that time of year again! The Holiday Season is upon us and this means trimming the tree, shopping, and the dreaded office Christmas party! Office parties are a make it or break it event when it comes to your professional image. Here are our tips to get you through your office party with poise and polish:

1. Dress appropriately
An office party is still a work related event so keep it professional. Follow your company dress code and do not wear anything ostentatious or risqué. You can opt for a more festive look such as a darker colored shirt for gentlemen or a little black dress for ladies but stay conservative and don’t over expose.

2. Chat’ em up
Your office party is a great opportunity to network outside of your department, floor or unit. Make an effort to meet new people within your organization and talk to people you wouldn’t otherwise interact with. Be ready for small talk ! Do your research prior to attending and find out what’s going on in your city – events, festivals, movies etc.  Remember to focus on positive news both local and international and avoid any complaints.

3. Join the party
Here's your chance to let your personality shine through. Don’t shy away from participating in games or activities but remember to participate in moderation. For example if your office party has karaoke step up and sing a long but don’t hog the mic. It’s also a great idea to have your co-workers participate along with you but moderation is key, you don’t need to own the dance floor or engage in a dance off with your boss.

Although you don’t get participation marks at work your boss will notice that you are capable of letting loose and joining the fun. Engaging in group games and activities also demonstrates that you are a team player.

4. Think Before You Drink
Alcohol can be free flowing at office parties especially when there is an open bar so drink in moderation. An open bar is not an excuse for you to get inebriated at the expense of your employer. Limit your consumption of alcohol to 2 drinks for the entire night (one for cocktail hour and one with dinner). The last thing you want  is to exceed your limit and be the butt of jokes on Monday morning so keep it professional and opt for non-alcoholic beverages in addition to your two drinks.

5. Respect your co-workers privacy
Taking photos at office parties is not outlawed but sharing them via social media should be! If you are going to take photos ask permission before hand.
Avoid sharing your work party photos on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram. Though you may think your photos are funny and flattering your co-workers and boss may not share your sentiments.  If someone does want a copy of your photos send it to them privately and request that they do not share it on social media as well.

On a personal note avoid being photographed with a drink in your hand as photos can easily be misinterpreted and blown out of proportion. If someone is taking photos simply set your drink aside for the picture.

6. Say Thank You
Your employer is not obligated to host an end of year party, it’s something they do voluntarily so show your appreciation. Prior to leaving make your rounds and thank the management and/or partners as well as your immediate boss for hosting the event.  Make your exit when the party starts to die down, do not be the last one to leave.

Copyright © 2013 by Professional Edge Consulting

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